
LS Tractor

Keep up with the latest news, model releases, and lineup innovations happening everyday at LS Tractor

Educating Our Dealers

Have you ever heard the saying “When you marry someone, you also marry their family”? Tractor buying is no different. When you go looking for a new tractor to use around your house or farm, you are not only choosing a tractor company, you are also choosing a local dealer! Here at LS Tractor, we […]


How to Beat The Heat

It’s almost officially summer and you know what that means: longer days, family cookouts, and hot afternoons working outside. No matter what part of the nation you work in, that summertime heat can drain your energy and if you aren’t careful can send you directly to the hospital. So how can you stay cool while […]


LS Gives Back

A person’s worth isn’t by how much they accumulate, but instead by how much they can give back to their community and those in need. At LS Tractor, we believe that corporations and businesses should be judged the same way, which is why we are proud to announce our newest local program. When Kawtar Lourhraz […]


A Quick Guide to Tractor Categories

Being a first-time buyer of anything can be stressful. In today’s world, everything is divided up into categories that offer customers a variety of choices. Do you want the HD TV, the Ultra HD TV, or the 4K TV? Do you want the Ranch house or the “could be haunted but let’s risk it” Victorian […]


April Showers Brings May Mowing

Dads, it’s time to break out those (formerly) white sneakers and rejoice: it’s almost lawn mowing season! We know you probably already have your old trusty mower that has lived through five different presidents, but this year why not finally retire it and upgrade to a mower that can do so much more than just […]



Talking about Tilling

Ah Springtime: the birds are finally chirping, the days are finally getting warmer and longer, and (at least if you live in the South) everything is covered in pollen. It really is such a magical time. Spring also means it’s time to start getting ready to plant your garden and lots of home gardeners miss […]